There is no reference to this quote in a reliable source.
Some people point to Giovanni Gentile (in "La Dottrina del Fascismo") as the person who made the statement. But if you go to the article at
and a full translation in
you find the article "La Dottrina del Fascismo" written by Giovanni Gentile, and published under Mussolini's name in the Encyclopedia Italiana, and the only reference to corporatism is in section VIII, and NOT in the words of the quote.
There is no original source in Italian that refers to the quotation.
Instead there is one source in Italian, that translates an American source
Mussolini never said the statement in the quotation, and anyone who has any understanding of what he DID say would know that he would not say that because it does not describe what he WAS saying otherwise. It does not even make sense that there would be a SINGLE quote like that from Mussolini if what it purports to state was what he thought. Thus more proof it is a fake quote.
The socialist Mussolini & his 22 sectoral corporations & his Ministry of Corporations, the Address to the National Corporative Council -
Discover how hard it is to find anywhere on the web a list of Mussolini’s 22 corporations.
The socialist Mussolini touted the Ministry of Corporations that organized the Italian economy into 22 sectoral corporations. "Address to the National Corporative Council (14 November 1933) and Senate Speech on the Bill Establishing the Corporations (abridged; 13 January 1934)".
They were not “corporations” as discussed by socialists in the USA. Socialists deliberately lie about what the socialist Mussolini was saying.
Mussolini didn't mean the power of big companies, rather the power of a large number of individuals working collectively. That's what he meant by “corporativismo.”
See the work of Dr. Rex Curry.
FASCIST MEANT "Band of National Combat" under the socialist Mussolini: the well-known and long-time socialist Benito Mussolini began to mimic American socialists in their use of the stiff-arm salute, robotic chanting to flags, the use of the fasces as a symbol of government, and the glorification of ancient Rome (or myths about Rome). In 1921, Mussolini (who acquired his title "il duce" -leader- when he was known only as a socialist, long before his new f-word for socialist factions) created a new sub-group called "Fasci di combattimento" (also known as the "Fascio nazionale di combattimento."
The term "fascio" was the Italian word for workers' groups, peasant organizations, labor unions and the other socialist groups where Mussolini had developed a large following. It meant "band," or people banding together, and referred to his socialist band of combat. It is similar to the word "faction" in that Mussolini's group was another of many socialist-inspired factions. Socialism is always faction against faction.
On December 11, 1914, Mussolini started a political group, Fasci d'azione rivoluzionaria, (band of revolutionary action) which was a fusion of two other movements: the above group, Fasci d'azione rivoluzionaria
internazionalista and a previous group he started called the Fasci autonomi d'azione rivoluzionaria.
He eventually decided to declare support for the war by appealing to the need for socialists to overthrow the Hohenzollern and Habsburg monarchies in Germany and Austria-Hungary whom he claimed had consistently repressed socialism. He further justified his position by denouncing the Central Powers for being reactionary powers; for pursuing imperialist designs against Belgium and Serbia as well as historically against Denmark, France, and against Italians, since hundreds of thousands of Italians were under Habsburg rule. He claimed that the fall of Hohenzollern and Habsburg monarchies and the repression of "reactionary" Turkey would create conditions beneficial for the working class. While he was supportive of the Entente powers, Mussolini responded to the conservative nature of Tsarist Russia by claiming that the mobilization required for the war would undermine Russia's reactionary authoritarianism and the war would bring Russia to social revolution. He claimed that for Italy the war would complete the process of Risorgimento by uniting the Italians in Austria-Hungary into Italy and by allowing the common people of Italy to be participating members of the Italian nation in what would be Italy's first national war.
The socialist Mussolini & his 22 sectoral corporations & his Ministry of Corporations, the Address to the National Corporative Council -
Discover how hard it is to find anywhere on the web a list of Mussolini's 22 "corporations."
The socialist Mussolini touted the Ministry of Corporations that organized the Italian economy into 22 sectoral corporations. "Address to the National Corporative Council (14 November 1933) and Senate Speech on the Bill Establishing the Corporations (abridged; 13 January 1934)."
They were not "corporations" as discussed by socialists in the USA. Socialists deliberately lie about what the socialist Mussolini was saying.
Mussolini didn't mean the power of big companies, rather the power of a large number of individuals working collectively. That's what he meant by "corporativismo."
See the work of Dr. Rex Curry.
Subject: Fajita is related to Fascia & Fascist: Fajita is related to the words "Fascia" and for the same reason "Fascist" or "Fascism" and for the same reason "plantar fasciitis" in the sense of "band" (probably referring to the "strips" of meat).
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22 Sectoral Corporations under socialist Mussolini |
22 sectoral corporations under the socialist Mussolini are now available thanks to the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry.
Rex Curry archives are linked at this blog
Is this the only place on the internet that exposes the so-called "22 corporations"?
On July 2, 1926, the Ministry of Corporations was established and soon thereafter the National Council of Corporations. The wacky Italian socialists also created the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI), in yet another ominous parallel to the USA's socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). It was not until February
5, 1934 that the 22 "corporations" were defined:
1. Grains
2. Vegetable, Flower and Fruit Cultivation
3. Wine and Oil Cultivation
4. Livestock and Fish
5. Wood
6. Textiles
7. Clothing
8. Metalworking
9. Machinery
10. Chemicals
11. Liquid Combustibles and Fossil Fuels
12. Paper and Publishing
13. Building Construction
14. Water, Gas and Electricity
15. Mining Industries
16. Glass and Ceramics
17. Internal Communications
18. Sea and Air
19. Entertainment
20. Hostelries
21. Professions and Arts
22. Social Care and Credit
ReplyDeleteYou write that a specific Mussolini quote is fake. However, a similar quote ("corporatism is the corner stone of the Fascist nation, or better still, the Fascist nation is corporative or it is not fascist" original: "il corporativismo è la pietra angolare dello Stato fascista, anzi lo Stato fascista o è corporativo o non è fascista") appears to be real per The note claims the quote is from a 1930 speech by Mussolini.
ReplyDeleteI do not know Italian, so I cannot parse whether Mussolini's use of the term means corporatism in the sense of "merger of state and corporate power" but the translation of the Italian Wiki page appears to go in that direction.
It certainly seems clear that control by corporations of the machinery of the state to its advantage is one of the basic elements of fascism. It was the case in Italy and for sure in Germany (even U.S. corporations cooperated with the Nazis).
This is the type of corporatism he was talking about. Not Commercial Business entities
Breitbart is a fascist propaganda distribution service. Did you credit them for using their work?
ReplyDeleteSocialists and communists were the first victims of Nazism.
And you - by using historic revision confuse the murders with the murdered compound their sin, and take on some for your very own.
You pass this injustice along in a manner that puts you on Goebbels lap.
Sir, avoid history. It's not your subject.
You are either ignorant brainwashed or obtuse
DeleteHitler on Marxism
“National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from bourgeois tradition; vital, creative socialism from the teaching of Marxism.” – January 27, 1934, interview with Hanns Johst in Frankforter Volksblatt
He told Hermann Rauschning: ‘I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit.’ He added: “I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it.’
Hitler never shut up about promoting socialism and bashing capitalism.
His problem wasn't with socialism his problem was with bolshevism genius.
If you actually did some reading and not just from an American textbook, you would actually know and understand WHY Hitler hated communism or as he actually called it bolshevism. Hitler believed that Russian communism was yet another a Jewish-capitalist conspiracy. He spoke of the ‘intention of Jewish big capital to destroy Russia completely in order to maximize profits’. In Hitler’s view, bolshevism, just like capitalism, was a system in which an exploitative Jewish ‘clique’ conquered a nation’s people by pitting them against each other – class against class. ‘Bolshevism is really just the general form of capitalism’, he opined.
In a passage in Mein Kampf Hitler elaborated on this bizarre theme, suggesting that Bolshevism is a precondition of capitalist exploitation. He warned that Germany was under threat from ‘Bolshevik storm troops in the service of Jewish international finance’. He warned of Bolshevist fighting forces, commanded by international and Jewish stock exchange capital’. He explained:
"Jewish finance demands not only the absolute economic destruction of Germany but its complete political enslavement. The internationalisation of our German economic system, that is to say, the transference of our productive forces to the control of Jewish international finance, can be completely carried out only in a state that has been politically Bolshevised."
Hitler was so anti-capitalist he thought even the Communists of Soviet Russia were capitalists.
Think about the insanity of that. In reality Hitler was so far left he is almost going right off the end suggesting the bolshevist Russians even were capitalists.
Corporate and Bolshevist powers did conspire to control, this is true. but nothing justifies the brutal extermination of millions of innocent civilian children, middle age mothers fathers and grandparents. The only way he gained support in Germany was by presenting fascism as his own idea and then using it for his own means,,, and BECAUSE of the desperate situation placed on germans by same inhumane conditions imposed by the treaty of Versailles. A perfect storm which without, hitler would have remained an unknown except to the local police department.
DeleteFASCISM is the KJB merger of
ReplyDelete“GHOST GOD CORPORATE POWER” & “Conquered*SUBSERVIENT*Governments”…
NAZI > "National*Anglo*Zionist*Illumenati" Knights Templar S0LDieRisM...
ReplyDeleteFASCISM > KJB merger of “GHOST GOD CORPORATE POWER” & “Conquered*SUBSERVIENT*Governments”…
By corporate power he meant Guilds, not a corporate commercial entity like in the US where a company is incorporated.
I'll grant you your opinion on attribution and will further investigate the source of the quote.
ReplyDeleteInterestingly, I am not on my usual computer and when I did a search for this quote, a website that usually comes up with a discussion of if the attribution is accurate didn't pop up near the top. I'll try the search on my regular PC.
Most of the volumes of documented fascism by Renzo De Felice's multi volume comprehensive history was never translated. Nicholas Farrells book on Mussolini does expose some of its original content without distortion. Fascism as it is presented today, never was or is "Nazism" and just as stated here, also never a merge with corporate powers or a body guard of corporations. Unlike the U.S., Mussolini controlled corporate powers starting with the expulsion of corporate heads in parliamentary seats when he came to power, (they did not lobby like ours instead they held the position directly). Italy also never saw ethnic concentration camps of any group to include Jews or Japanese americans; Or genocide of Ukranians, Armenians or Philippine men as young as 10 (1.4 million) during the Spanish American war, native americans, KKK, etc. instead they blocked the corralling of French jews by the Vichy in Italian occupied france saving 40,000 and more in Croatia and Greece. This system of Italian fascism was also copied and successfully implemented as the "new deal" see Rexford Tugwell and General Hugh Johnson. New research has come a long way from those monotone Anglo narrator's war documentaries of the 1950's and 60's in the enlightenment of this system as it was designed to work, unfortunately used with malice in Germany which sealed its fate, unlike spain.