Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nikolai Borg supports historian Dr. Rex Curry that swastikas = S-letters for SOCIALISM

Nikolai Borg supports historian Dr. Rex Curry that swastikas = S-letters for SOCIALISM
Nikolai Borg displays evidence that proves the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry that the swastika, although an ancient symbol, was used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen"). See the accompanying photographs in which Nikolai Borg shows that the VW logo was placed on top of the swastika symbol that inspired it, and was created simply by replacing the two S letters of the swastika with the two V-letters (that also form the letters V and W).

German socialists gave their symbol a 45 degree spin and they always oriented it in the S-letter direction to highlight the S-symbolism for socialism.

Nikolai Borg, who now lives in Austria, says he was involved in the development of the VW logo. The young commercial artist impressed others when he won the competition for the creation of a logo for the "Deutsche Jugendherbergswerk" (German youth mountain hostel work?).  Borg says that he was invited to draw the car logo in a request from high-up:  Dr. Ing. Fritz Todt, with the "organization Todt" the general inspector for roads and a militarily organized building troop used in the entire theater of war.  Borg made nine drafts with different connections of the letters V and W before the final version was created.

Organisation Todt also supports Dr. Curry's discoveries regarding the alphabetical symbology of the swastika.

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